Protein Cream of Rice

Written on 10/07/2019
WarriorBabe Team

Protein Cream of Rice


P: 26g   F: 0g   C: 24g



  • 1 scoop Protein
  • 30g Cream of Rice Cereal




  1. In a bowl mix your rice cereal with about 1/3 to ½ cup of water.  Mix and heat in microwave for 30 secs.
  2. Remove from microwave and stir.  You may need to add more water at this point, if so do so slowly.  Then place back in microwave and heat for 30 more sec.
  3. Once cream of rice is cooked, add in your protein powder and mix until evenly combined.  Again you may need to add more water after adding the protein to help in not be a super thick consistency.