Chicken and Green Bean Stir Fry

Written on 10/07/2019
WarriorBabe Team

Chicken and Green Bean Stir Fry


P: 20g   F: 15g    C: 22g



  • 3 oz Chicken
  • 1/2 cup Rice noodles- cooked
  • Oregano- to taste
  • Ground Ginger- to taste
  • Garlic Powder or fresh minced garlic- to taste
  • Cayenne pepper- to taste
  • Salt and pepper- to taste
  • 2 TBS Soy Aminos
  • Sesame seeds- to taste
  • 1/2 TBS Coconut Oil
  • 1 cup Green Beans



  1. Cut chicken into bite sized pieces
  2. In a small bowl mix seasonings and soy aminos.  Add chicken and mix to evenly coat.
  3. In a large skillet on medium- high heat spay with cooking spray of choice.  Add chicken and cook until browned and cooked through.
  4. Add in green beans, stirring often, and cook until desired softness.
  5. Cook rice according to package directions
  6. Once rice is cooked add to a bowl and mix in coconut oil.  Top with chicken and green bean mixture.  Sprinkle with sesame seeds and enjoy.