Beyond Meat Pasta

Written on 08/29/2019
WarriorBabe Team


P: 20g   F: 10g   C: 36g

*These macro numbers are subject to change based on source, brands of product and individual goals.*
*These numbers can be adjusted to fit your own macro numbers based off your specific calculations.*


½ cup Whole Wheat Pasta- Cooked

¼ cup Low Sugar Pasta Sauce

½ cup Beyond Meat Italian Crumbles


1 cup Broccoli


  1. Cook pasta until al dente.
  2. In a skillet on medium heat, heat the Beyond Meat Crumbles until heated through
  3. Cook broccoli as desired with seasoning of choice. 
  4. Once pasta is cooked, place in a bowl and top with sauce, meatless crumbles, and drizzle with EVOO and enjoy with a side of broccoli.